
A Yiddishe Mame
It doesn’t get better on this earth
A Yiddishe Mame,
How bitter when she is missing.

How nice and bright it is at home, when the Mame is here
How sad and dark it becomes, when God takes her to the next world.

In water, through fire, she would have run for her child
Not to hold her dear, is surely the greatest sin,

How lucky and rich is the one who has
Such a beautiful gift presented from God
Like and old Yiddishe Mame
My Yiddishe Mame!

Yiddish Transliteration

A Yiddishe Mame,
Es gibt nisht besser oif der velt
A Yiddish Mame,
Oy vey vi bitter ven zi felt

Vi shayn in likhtig iz in hoiz ven di mame iz do
Vi troyerig finster vert ven Got nemt ir oif Olam Haboh.

In vasser in fayer volt zi gelofn far ihr kind
nisht halten ihr tayer, dos iz gevis di gresten zind

Oy, vi gliklekh un raykh iz der mentsh vos hot
Aza shayne matuneh geshenkt foon Got,
Nor ayn altichke Yiddishe Mame,
Oy, Mame Mayn!